02 May 2014

Two Days In And Busted

Can't believe we finally made it. Man the last few weeks were a whirlwind and the last few days? Total chaos. The weekend was great, seeing so many people for so many fun farewells and such, but then the real work began. While I was done with work, Krissy was still working so I spent my days plowing through most of the moving and errands and such, while Krissy got to come home after working all day and dive right into the mess. Needless to say, we are still quite busted up. The last day was the worst. We had monsoon rains all day and still quite a lot of stuff to move out and, as a bonus, it was one of my worst allergy days ever. So I was a disaster. We had hoped to be totally done with our apartment by dinner time. We did not leave until 11:00, getting to Rockville around Midnight.

Oh yeah, and that brings me to the cats. Poor little things. They were very good when we first got there and they were exploring and seemed to have a good time but that changed by the morning and they commenced to hiding and being totally freaked out. It was very sad to see those happy, loving dudes totally weirded out but I think it made it a little easier when it came time to leave, rather than if they were climbing all over us (Krissy just disagreed with me, said it made it harder since they were freaked out). Still, we are sad to leave them and we feel like bad parents but it is the way it goes. Hopefully they will adjust quickly and then we'll be back before they know it.

That is actually pretty much it for right now. We are in Connecticut and taking it as easy as possible. I am still feeling crappy and my ribs are totally bruised from all the coughing and sneezing so I am not going to be up for too much besides being lazy. We will be here until Monday, at which time we will head off to see Vicki in Ipswich MA. Looking forward to that.

Until then, zzzzzz....

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Beautiful pictures! (especially the beach ones) Sounds like you're having an amazing time. I am rotting with jealousy but taking good care of the kitties anyway. Bananas sneak attacked my feet today. I think they've been a bit starved for play in their mission to stay as far from Scary Toddler as possible. :) Can't wait to read the next installment!
